Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Changu Narayan Temple

Changu Narayan is the temple of Vishnu , in the village of Changu in Bhaktapur.This 5th century temple, located over a hillock 15 km east of Kathmandu . Inscriptions dating back to 464 A.D, found here, are the first epigraphic evidences of Nepali history. The temple is believed to be sixteen hundred years old. It is embellished by the best examples of stone, wood, and metal craft.

Some important sculptures of Vishnu seen here are:

• Vishworoop - This sculpture represents Vishnu in his most universal form. It dates back to 8th century A.D
• Vishnu Vikrants - this stone image, dating back to the 8th century A.D, is of the most powerful form of Vishnu. This is when he measured space with feet.
• Vishnu riding Garuda ( the mythical bird) - this figure of Vishnu mounting Garuda dates back to the 10th century A.D.
• Nr-singha Vishnu - this form of Vishnu is seen in his half man and half lion form.


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