Thursday, April 15, 2010

Everest Trekking - the Sagarmatha National Park

Mt. Everest has inspired countless dreams and adventures, including visions of scaling the highest mountain on earth to those of getting a taste of the high mountains with a pack on their back and a camera in hand; ready to capture some incredible views of the lofty snowy mountain peaks that seem to grow in this region.

The original route taken on the first ascent of Everest was from Jiri, but now the usual approach to this region begins with a breathtaking flight from Kathmandu to Lukla airstrip (2,800 meters). Here you are surrounded by the glistening spires of snow peaks from the start of the trek, and they only get higher and more magnificent as you go. The route is dotted by sacred Tibetan Buddhist mani stones (engraved with prayers and Buddhist images), prayer flags, and the occasional stupa (representing the mind of Buddha). The winding Dudha and Bhote Koshi rivers are a beautiful glacier-fed aqua blue, joined by many tributaries supporting waterfalls. Trekkers can wander up to bustling Namche Bazaar, to the revered Tengboche Monastery, to crystalline Gokyo Lake, historic Everest Base Camp, and many other remarkable places in the Everest region. You share the trail with yak trains and Tibetan nomads and can choose to stay in simple but welcoming guesthouses in all but the most remote areas. Treks can be from one week to more than a month. Expect to take some rest days for acclimatization as most trails quickly go above 3,500 meters. Level of trekking: moderate to strenuous


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