Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Swayambhu Nath Stupa

This is one of the world's most glorious Buddhist Chaityas. It is said to be 2000 years old. Painted on the four sides of the spire bases are the all-seeing eyes of Lord Buddha. It is 3km west of Kathmandu city and is situated on a hillock about 77m. above the level of the Kathmandu Valley .

Located in a lovely little hill rock Swayambhu Nath Stupa was built around 250 B.C. Generally a holy memorial site Stoup represents a typical Buddhist architecture. Its main feature the white dome is identified with a spotless pure jewel of Nirvana and a thirteen tiered golden spire in conical shape surmounted on the dome. Underneath this towering structure are a pair of all seeing eyes of Buddha painted on all four sides of the Stupa. The Stupa of Swayambhunath stands on a typically stylized lotus mandala base-a long time ago believed to have originated from a legendary lake of Kathmandu Valley


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