Monday, April 5, 2010

Mount Everest Pictures

Human eyes have searched wonders since time immemorial. It is the basic human nature to feel happy when it sees something spectacular. Mount Everest is splendid yet simple. Mount Everest is intimidating yet subtle. There are various colors and hues of it as the sun, sets for its well-traversed path. It is gold under the sun and silver amidst moonlit sky. Mount Everest inspires in many way. The story of its expedition signifies the triumph of human race where as its death toll remind us of our mortality. It looks intimidating and that's why inspires every coming generation to scale it. Truly, it is very difficult for someone to describe all these in words and where word fails, spectacle takes its position. These are some of the pictures that have been painstakingly taken to let you get a feel of what we failed to consolidate in words


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